Check out images online: it's a one of a kind field with trenches. 6-30 PLAYERS. SIMILAR GROUPS OF THE SAME SPORT ARE JOINED IF "PRIVATE ARENA" IS NOT PURCHASED.
Includes entry AND gun & mask rental per player.
**Does NOT include paintballs or BBs
**Minimum 6 players
**Bring your own padding for pain from BBs or Paintballs.
**Laser tag Head Velcro Straps are NOT disinfected. Please notify us if you want to buy your own so we can check inventory to serve you.
Basic items to consider for your 2 hour event.
This $5 is for those who stay on the patio and observe, but do not participate.
Tango/equivalent. FIELD PAINT ONLY: biodegradable, veggie based.
Ref does random and periodic paintball checks. Failure to comply results in ejection from the facility without refund.
Tango/equivalent. FIELD PAINT ONLY: biodegradable, veggie based.
Ref does random and periodic paintball checks. Failure to comply results in ejection from the facility without refund.
Field biodegradable BB's only.
GUARANTEED no other groups or walk-ons during your event. A two hour event will be $200 to make it private field time for the entire two hours. Otherwise, we may schedule other groups playing the same sport as yours and you will play the field together and groups will be mixed together when teams are made.
Applies for each arrow you cannot find by the end of your event.
Applies for each ball you cannot find by the end of your event.
Prices vary depending on what gets broken. Breakage has only been an issue twice: once when a kid lost his temper and hit his gun on the ground like a sledgehammer making it unusable: your child's bad behavior may cost you an extra $250+, another time when a kid sat on a table marked "do not sit on" and it collapsed.
These are random events we come up with for fun, or to support micro events for church youth nights.
Reserved for church groups for youth night on a time crunch with a tight budget. MINIMUM $100 or 10 entrants. Price is per person. Gear rental is included. BBs and Paintballs cost extra. **This INCLUDES people NOT playing and being inside the building and patio (Dead Zone).**
We come to you. Laser tag shoots approximately 850' at night, 650' in day. MAXIMUM 20 PLAYERS.
2 hour of play. 1 Referee. Tactical missions. Includes 15 of our custom trifold walls at no extra charge if doing Lasertag. If doing Airsoft, must be on private land with known risk of projectiles and potential damage to property.
Price per additional hour. Max 2 additional hours.
Example: If you are 50 miles away, it's $112.50 for the fee.
This is where we come to your ranch reunion, your school, your city.
Up to 8 hrs play. No player limit. Players rotate turns. 2 Referees. 28 players at a time. Includes 36 trifold barriers for Lasertag at no additional charge.
Thanks so much for playing physically interactive team missions with us!
Copyright © 2021 Rocky Mountain Combat Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
Airsoft field, paintball field, bazooka ball, archery tag, and Lasertag field. Serving GRAND JUNCTION TO GLENWOOD SPRINGS.
Ideal for military or law enforcement morale building, church youth groups, family reunions, corporate event activity, bachelor & bachelorette parties, birthdays, wedding "shoot", group date night, marriage & relationship "therapy", and fun with friends.
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